Monday, September 19, 2011

People Do Really Stupid Stuff

Have you ever seen people do really stupid things? I know I have and I’m sure you have to. It gives me a very unsettling feeling every time I see the effects of someone’s stupid decision.

This past week I saw two freshman girls get arrested for drugs. I saw them in cuffs with school police officers. It caught me off guard for sure. I knew (or at least knew of) both of the girls and had classes with them. I have even considered making friends with one of them.

It bothered me that someone with so much to loose (one of the girls was in pre-AP classes, competitive cheer, and all around involved) could throw her life away so easily. How can you make a mistake that could cost you potential opportunities later on in life? I just don’t understand.

I don’t see how one could risk so much and do something that they know is so wrong. As outsiders from situations like that its hard to understand motives and thoughts, but I have two take away messages. First, I think we all on some degree do things we shouldn’t even though we know it’s not what we should be doing. We may not be smoking or skipping or going too far in a relationship, but we all make stupid decisions and do things that we know are wrong. Maybe its gossiping or maybe its cheating. I don’t know what it is for you, but I encourage you to take situations like this and use them for your own learning experience. Think about things that you are doing that are “stupid” and find a way to get out of that habit. I know its time for me to do that. I also know that after something like this it strongly enforces the need to choose friends very carefully. You don’t have to be rude to people who make bad choices, but you definitely don’t want them to be your closest friends.

Don’t be stupid. Choose what you do and who you hang out with carefully. Consider how your actions will ultimately affect you, your future, and others around you. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Survey about Heaven

Did you check out the AOL survey last week? If not, you missed a pretty interesting set of statistics:

What is the key to getting into heaven?

  • Living a good life. 65.5%
  • Having connections to someone at the top. 26.7%
  • Helping old ladies cross the street. 2.7%
  • Slipping St. Peter $20.00. 1.9%
  • Having a strong letter of reference. 0.5%
  • Making a deal with the devil. 1.2%
  • Telling a really good lie. 0.5%
Total votes 121,836

Are you going to heaven?

  • Yes. 89.8%
  • No. 10.2%
Total votes 143,309